Sunday, May 31, 2009

kul 2.15AM

baru jer sampai umah setelah dihantar oleh Mr Mansur@ Abe(bak kata adli n sarah) @ BIOSUR(bak kata aina n roy) @ abang (oleh fiha).. terus nk wat new memandangkan mata ku sudah later ok..


nite everybody..


Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Hi smua..nk tau apa saya wat pas abis seminar????CAMPING!!!!!!!

So abis jer seminar hari jumaat, hari sabtu dh ada programme ngn sarah n her labmates.. g camping @ Dr Campsite. actually idea ni come from the owner of the campsite iaitu Prof Madya Dr Yatimah Alias. dia plan tuk member group research dia jer tp ttba dia open tuk kekwn member group sarah telah memujuk saya tuk join this camp..disbbkan dah lama x g camping so i decide to go!!! mlm jumaat tu tdo umah sarah..then hari sabtu gerak sama2 g ngn kete sarah.. sampai campsite around 12oclock. actually campsite ni baru jer kira ktorg la rasmikan ...heheh ..n as a promotion nnt sesapa nk wat reunion n x tau nk wat n g mana..g la camping..hehehe... sampai ktorg terus prepare lunch n plan activity tuk hari tu..heheh.. best giler la sbb aktiviti yg diaturkan ikut suka jer nk join ke x...hihih ;P so after lunch g solat n berehat2 dlm chalet...berehat2 ni dlm erti kata lain tdo la..hahaha..saya jer yg len dh sibuk terjun sungai..saya n sarah decide nk mandi sg ptg skit..then around 330PM Dr yatimah dtg chalet ktorg kejut suh g mandi sg..hehehe..malu giler yela masa tu br jer bgn tdo...then seb bek dh siap pakai baju n sluar smua..just sarung tudung n terjun sg sgt..air yg sjuk n deras..takut gak sbb x tau Dr Yatimah pesan kalo hanyut jgn panic sbb kat bawah tu cetek jer..hehehe ;) so dgn agak berani la menghanyutkan mmg betul air deras sgt n masa hanyut tu best sgt bukan nyer panic pun sbb dh tau kat bawah tu cetek..hahah ;P pas mandi dok g mancing lak then malamnyer wat BBQ.. pagi esok nyer ada jungle disbbkan semlm dh ujan so saya mmg tau pacat akan byk n mesti malas nk basuh kasut,decide x g apalg madi sg lagi la..hahaha ;P balik dr camping around 12 dihantar oleh Cik Sarah.. so kata bawah ni pic2 ktorg camping..

the river

seorg budak yg mencuri perhatian smua org namanyer comellll ....the 1st pic sarah n hazim (sbb camera wat hal so snap lambat sket n hazim pu dah gerak2) hazim ni x suka amik kalo dia nmpak org nk snap pic dia..dia akan lariiii... kene hide snap his pic... ;P

so sampai di sini dulu entry kali ni..

tunggu for the next entry ada citer best n syahdu..hahaha... perluker??



Salam...dah lama saya x post new kali ni saya nk citer pasal kesibukan saya menghadiri seminar n aktiviti hujung sepjg last week byk sgt seminar..start on monday ada seminar PhD..seminar ni tuk pelajar PhD yg akan requirement dorg kene conduct one seminar..tuk hari isnin ada 3 org presenter..Kartini Ahmad, Mohd Azlan Hanafiah n Lailey.. so hari khamis n jumaat pun ada seminar gak..dis seminar is for Phytochemistry Seminar..which conducter by Phytolab the seminar was begun with speech from director of CENAR(center of natural product UM) Prof Datuk Dr A.Hamid A. Hadi , then continue with the group session. in this session every participent are divided into each group of compound due to their i got into Phenolics group. Chan Gomathi is our group leader..dia ni sebaya n se batch ngn saya masa undergrade but dia ngh writing up her kira dah master la ni bab phenolic dats y dia jd wat we are doing in dis group??? we have a disscussion n try to solve a compound dat we have from the proton NMR, carbon NMR, DEPT, cosy, HMQC n HMBC(sajer nk kene kan kak aimi, HSBC apa kak? kak aimi dgn muka blur kata x tau..hahah ;P bank HSBC la kak..hihihi )..because of our group is dominated by the new student (kira dak2 baru nk belajar, basic dah ada, cuma perlu polish jer lg) kira ktorg ni belajar dr peringkat awal.. n chan explained everything about our research n wat we have to do after we registered our MSc. so from those explanation we get the idea wat we have to do. ;) the next day we continue with the group disscussion n end the day with group presentation of we done for 2 days seminar.. byk gak la saya belajar dr seminar ni..yelah i start from zero(basic mmg dah ada to sbb dah almost 2 years tinggalkan organic part so nk menghadap spectrum tu balik mmg blank jer..xtau pun peak apa tuk apa..huhuh ) so dgn adanyer programme cmni leh la give me an idea how to interpret spectrum n apa2 step yg perlu dilakukan selepas wat extraction..hihih ;) n mmg motivated la programme ni ..rasa cam g kem motivasi sbb as usual Prof Khalijah akan memberi kata2 perangsang cthnyer dia kata many people are successfull but less people are work hard n work smart.. kene berfikir b4 do anything.. ;) so saya akhiri entry ni ngn pic2 masa seminar berlangsung. ;)

Prof Datuk Dr A.Hamid A. Hadi , Prof Dr Khalijah Awang, Prof Madya Dr Mat Ropi

sampai di sini dulu entry kali ni..tunggu the next entry..nk citer aktiviti release tension di ujung minggu lak...hihih :)


Tuesday, May 12, 2009


When I cry you help me out
When I'm happy you hear me shout
When I grin you know I'm really mad
because you are my best friend
You can tell when I'm sad

You're there in thick and thin
You're my best friend
You hear me out when I want to talk
You help me out when I get mad
You are the bestest friend I've ever had

So hear me out when I say
You're the light in my day
You are the moon in my night
You shine very bright
You are the bestest friend I have
and I miss you

poem ni khas buat kawan2 ku....n pembaca blog house of story :)

wan ainna mardhiah

Siapakah empunya nama n pix di atas??? she is one of my best fren forever n ever... so entry kali khas ditujukan buat cik ainna..masa ni bergelar cik lagi... kurang dari bebrpa jam akan bergelar Puan.. hehe...cmner leh kenal ainna nie??? mesti korg nk tau kan??? actually ktorg dr Kolej Matrikulasi yg sama..which is KMNS (Kolej Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan).. dia ni dulu satu kuliah ngn saya ...masa kuliah biologi dia sll dok depan ...kira depan skali la.. saya duduk bbrpa line belakang mmg nmpk la minah ni dari tempat saya..hihih ;P masa dulu igt dak ni suka mencapap ( mencari populariti)... hhehehe ;P but bila masuk UM 1st day on registration day...terjumpa lagi minah ni... masa tu dia dok menempek tepi tangga ngh tunggu queue tuk register subject... masa dlm hati saya... " ada gak minah ni kat sini..." dah mmg jodoh tuk berkwan saya mmg x tegur dia..sampai la saya dtg ke bilik wan nurul fatihah..masa tu fiha introduce her to ktorg just kenal2 camtu jer sbb x amik subjek sama pun...sampai la saya last sem final year..baru betul2 rapat ngn dia sbb dah xder kawan..hahaha...(bukan xder kawan tp kawan2 smua dah abis so yg senior masa tu tinggal saya, aina n ain jer) ktorg amik kelas nnt senang kalo salah sorg xdtg lagi sorg leh sign kan...hihihih ;) at tdat time we are very closed sampai kene g pre employment programme pun sama2...sampai la ke hari ni.... she loves to make a people happy...n like to motivate people n always have an idea on how to solve a if i hv a problem she always give her support n calm me n make me smile again...even though ngh nangis2 pun dia leh wat lawak... napa saya nangis??? adalah....hehehe ;) mana leh citer....n dia suka makan tom yam kat old town n secret receipe.. she is very talented.... i like to hear her voice sing a rihanna song... dia gak sll menumpang kan saya kereta nyer opssss...kereta tunang nyer ketika balik keje..hehehe...even though dia xder lesen..but i'm very confident nek kete ngn dia...hiihihihih ;) so skrg dia dah nak kawin... rs cam kejap sgt masa berlalu... but i'm always pray for her happiness n joyness... no matter wat happen she always be my best fren forever n ever... so to ainna...this song is for you..

If you're lonely
And need a friend
And troubles seem like
They never end
Just to remember to keep the faith
And love will be there to light the way

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You'll never be alone again
So don't you fear
Even if you're miles away
I'm by your side
So don't you ever be lonely
Love will make it alright

When the shadows are closing in
And your spirit diminishing
Just remember you're not alone
And love will be there
To guide you home

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You'll never be alone again
So don't you fear
Even if you're miles away
I'm by your side
So don't you ever be lonely
Love will make it alright

If you just believe in me
I will love you endlessly
Take my hand
Take me into your heart
I'll be there forever baby
I won't let go
I'll never let go

Anytime you need a friend
I will be here
You'll never be alone again
So don't you fear
Even if you're miles away
I'm by your side
So don't you ever be lonely
It's alright
It's alright

Ps : byk bende we shared together but after dis certain things might be change..huhu ;) one of my best fren will get married.. n next will be sakinah, fatihah, sarah....n me when??? Insya allah masa itu akan tba jua... :)

pss : ainna!!!! nntkan kehadiran ktorg ke Kuala Terengganu..hihih ;) excited nk g tganu ni..padahal lg 2 minggu nk g Terengganu lagi..hihihih ;P


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Labour Day Outing

Salam kekawan...dah lama x update citer semangat cuti nk update blog..hihih ;)...hope u guys enjoy dis 3 days holiday...nk citer apa saya wat semlm..semlm cuti sempena Labour kami kekwn SKLJ dh sepakat nk wat reunion sbb dh lama x berkumpul, lepak2, gosip2 n sewaktu dgn nyer memandangkan ramai yg bekerja di luar kawasan taklukan nyer (ampang la tu.. hahaha..) so farezan yg organize n kumpul kan org2 smua... we have met at Old Town White Coffee Amp Waterfront at 4 masa tu yg dah sampai saya, adik saya (shima), shaeda n shariman jer..yg lelain x sampai2 lagi..dok pilih tempat then sembang2 la sementara tunggu yg lain...yg lain2 sampai around ada lebih kurang 6 org jer yg dpt dtg...then apa lg operasi menelepon yg lain...dah call yg lain2 so dpt kumpulkan lg 2 org...but dorg dtg lambat sket..ngh tunggu lagi 2 org tu sampai ktorg pun planning la nk wat per pas tu...antr planning 1) men bowling 2) nonton wayang 3) men golf..hahaha ;)yg no 3 tu idea come from Imran...x boleh bla...;)) so pas 2 org kawan dh sampai (Zaharah n Nasir) we all decided to watch a plan nk tgk kat tukar..then decided tgk kat mid valley.. nasir lead we all follow...hehehe ... ktorg tgk X men Origins Wolverine..start movie kul 7.35pm- 9.30pm...pas movie smua g la mkn kat KRB ampang water front n Akmal dtg join makan2..makan2, sembang2, n planning for the next activity then balik around sgt seronok dpt berjumpa ngn rakan2 yg ada... enjoy the to Iphone 3G farezan...hihih ;P

makan time..Terbaik Wok!!!!

Ok dats all..
